
Expressa Bus Tickets And Schedules

Expressa bus routes

Nova Venecia to Vila Pavaofrom$2
Nova Venecia to Barra de Sao Franciscofrom$6
Ecoporanga to Nova Veneciafrom$2
Barra de Sao Francisco to Vila Pavaofrom$2
Barra de Sao Francisco to Nova Veneciafrom$2
Vila Pavao to Nova Veneciafrom$2
Nova Venecia to Ecoporangafrom$5

Check out the most searched bus routes and schedules by Expressa passengers, including the most popular destinations and the main cities served by the company for leisure or work trips

Expressa onboard features

Enjoy a comfortable and convenient journey with a range of onboard features designed to make your travel experience enjoyable and stress-free. Whether you’re traveling for business or leisure, these amenities ensure you arrive refreshed and ready.

What's included

  • Air Conditioning
  • Standard Seat
  • Bathroom

Expressa Reviews

Address and Contact

Our team has prepared everything to make your experience on the website as simple, secure, and easy as possible. But if you still need to contact Expressa, just use the most convenient channel for you!

Phone: (27) 3772-5005

(27) 3772-5005

Location: Rodovia Barra de São Fracisco/Mantena km 3, Barra de São Francisco (ES), CEP: 29.800-000
