Deutsche Bahn

Deutsche Bahn Train Tickets And Schedules

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Most searched train routes

Check out the most searched train routes and schedules by Deutsche Bahn passengers, including the most popular destinations and the main cities served by the company for leisure or work trips

Address and Contact

Our team has prepared everything to make your experience on the website as simple, secure, and easy as possible. But if you still need to contact Deutsche Bahn, just use the most convenient channel for you!

Phone: +49 (0) 1806 31 11 53

Phone:Deutsche Bahn
+49 (0) 1806 31 11 53


Email:Deutsche Bahn

Location: Deutsche Bahn AG, Europaplatz 2, 10557 Berlin, Germany


Website:Deutsche Bahn

Top passenger questions

Based on the main doubts and frequently asked questions from Deutsche Bahn passengers, we have compiled a complete list of answers to help you on your next trip. If you still have questions, please contact our support team.

Booking and Managing Your Journey

Accessibility and Special Needs

On-Board Experience and Amenities

Luggage and Special Items Transport

Pet Policy

International Travel

Rewards, Affiliations, and Special Programs

Travel Interruptions and Cancellations

Customer Support and Feedback

Special Travel Needs and Services

Special Travel Options and Seasonal Services

Safety, Insurance, and Emergency Procedures

Pricing, Payment, and Tickets

Routes, Schedules, and Travel Planning

Flexible Cancellations

Cancellation Policy

cancellation_policy policy
  • If you need to cancel your Deutsche Bahn ticket in France, you will usually be entitled to a full refund if you cancel at least one day before the train's scheduled departure.
  • If you cancel on the same day as the train's departure, you will receive a 50% refund.
  • If you do not show up for the train, you will not receive a refund.
  • If the Deutsche Bahn train is delayed, you may receive a partial refund if the delay is more than 30 minutes.
  • If the Deutsche Bahn train is cancelled, you will receive a full refund.
  • When cancelling your ticket, you may have to pay a cancellation fee.

Smooth Luggage

Luggage Policy

luggage_policy policy
  • Passengers on Deutsche Bahn in France can bring two pieces of luggage, one large and one small, onto the train free of charge.
  • Large luggage pieces should not exceed 32kg in weight and should not exceed 200cm in length and width when combined.
  • Small luggage pieces should not exceed 12kg in weight and should not exceed 80cm in length and width when combined.
  • Any additional luggage must be registered and will incur an extra charge.
  • Passengers are allowed to bring collapsible pushchairs, strollers and wheelchairs free of charge.
  • It is not allowed to bring pets, dangerous items, weapons and explosives on board.
  • Passengers are allowed to bring food and drinks on board, but should not consume them in the train.

Pet-Friendly Guidelines

Pet Policy

pet_policy policy
  • Deutsche Bahn allows passengers to travel with domestic cats and dogs, as well as other small animals, such as rabbits and guinea pigs, inside the train, provided that they are kept in a suitable pet carrier.
  • Animals must not be taken into 1st class carriages.
  • Passengers carrying a pet must purchase an additional ticket for the animal at the regular price.
  • The ticket must be validated at the ticket counter before the journey.
  • The animal must be kept inside its carrier at all times during the journey.
  • Animals that are considered dangerous, such as snakes, lizards, and other exotic animals, are not allowed to be transported on the train.