Bus from Los Angeles to Little Rock
Find the schedules, compare prices, and buy cheap tickets from Los Angeles to Little Rock. Choose a date, or explore the cheapest ticket options below.
Air Travel
- Companies: Southwest Airlines, American Airlines
- Duration: Approximately 6 hours (including layovers)
- Distance: 1,300 miles
- Costs: $250 - $400 (dependent on ticket class and booking time)
- Roads/Routes: Not applicable for air travel
Pro Tip: Book your flight at least 2-3 months in advance to secure better rates and consider off-peak travel times for lower prices.
For the best route, consider connecting flights through major hubs like Dallas/Fort Worth (DFW) or Atlanta (ATL) which often have more frequent departures.
Car Travel
- Duration: Approximately 18 hours
- Distance: 1,700 miles
- Costs: $150 (fuel) + $50 (food and lodging, estimated) = $200 total
- Roads/Routes: Take Interstate 40 (I-40) directly from Los Angeles through New Mexico to Arkansas.
Pro Tip: Plan for rest stops every 2-3 hours to avoid fatigue, and consider scenery breaks at places like the Painted Desert and Route 66 landmarks.
Driving allows you more flexibility and a chance to explore interesting cities along the route such as Albuquerque and Amarillo.
Bus Travel
- Companies: Greyhound, Megabus
- Duration: Approximately 25 hours
- Distance: 1,300 miles
- Costs: $100 - $175, depending on how early you book
- Roads/Routes: Primarily along Interstate 40 (I-40)
Pro Tip: Bring snacks and entertainment, as bus rides can be long and less comfortable than flying or driving.
Check schedules and plan your trip in advance, as bus timings can vary significantly.