Bus from Seattle to Grand Junction
Find the schedules, compare prices, and buy cheap tickets from Seattle to Grand Junction. Choose a date, or explore the cheapest ticket options below.
Air Travel
- Transport Mode: Air
- Companies: Delta Airlines, Southwest Airlines
- Duration: Approximately 4 hours including layover
- Distance: 970 miles
- Costs: $200 - $400 depending on booking timing and availability
- Roads/Routes: Not applicable
Pro Tip: Book your ticket at least 3-4 weeks in advance and utilize price alert features on Google Flights or Skyscanner for the best rates.
Overall, flying is the most efficient and practical mode of transport for this journey. Consider booking non-stop flights if available to minimize travel time.
Road Travel
- Transport Mode: Car
- Companies: [Car Rental Agencies: Enterprise, Hertz, or Budget]
- Duration: Approximately 16 hours of driving time
- Distance: 1,020 miles
- Costs: $150 for gas (based on an average of $3.50/gallon and 30 MPG), plus around $50-$80 per day for car rental
- Roads/Routes: I-90 E and I-70 E
Pro Tip: Plan your stops along the way for meals and rest, as driving can be exhausting. Consider stopping in scenic locations such as Boise, ID or Salt Lake City, UT to explore.
Driving is also a viable option if you wish to enjoy scenic views and potentially explore more sites along the route, but be prepared for long hours on the road.
Train Travel
- Transport Mode: Train
- Companies: Amtrak
- Duration: Approximately 22 hours with layovers
- Distance: 970 miles
- Costs: $150 - $250 depending on class and accommodation
- Roads/Routes: Not applicable
Pro Tip: Reserve a sleeper cabin for overnight journeys to ensure a more comfortable rest.
While train travel offers unique scenic experiences, it is the longest option among these modes. Ideal for those looking to enjoy the journey as much as the destination.
For a balance of speed, convenience, and cost, I highly recommend flying from Seattle, WA to Grand Junction, CO. The direct flight takes around 4 hours, which is significantly quicker than the lengthy road or train options. Additionally, fare prices can often be found reasonably if booked in advance.