Bus from Little Rock to New York
Find the schedules, compare prices, and buy cheap tickets from Little Rock to New York. Choose a date, or explore the cheapest ticket options below.
Air Travel
- Transport Mode: Flight
- Companies: Delta Air Lines, American Airlines
- Duration: Approximately 3 hours (non-stop)
- Distance: 600 miles
- Costs: $150 - $300 (round trip, depending on booking time)
- Roads/Routes: Not applicable
Pro Tip: Book your flight at least 2 months in advance to secure lower fare prices and minimal layovers.
For an efficient and practical journey from Little Rock to New York, flying is the best option, with frequent flights available. You can enjoy the convenience of non-stop flights from Little Rock National Airport (LIT) directly to major New York airports such as JFK or LaGuardia (LGA).
Bus Travel
- Transport Mode: Bus
- Companies: Greyhound, Megabus
- Duration: Approximately 16 hours
- Distance: 770 miles
- Costs: $80 - $120 (one way, depending on the booking class)
- Roads/Routes: I-40 E and I-81 N
Pro Tip: Bring snacks and a neck pillow for extra comfort during this lengthy travel experience.
Bus travel is a more economical option if you're looking to save money over faster transportation. Though longer in duration, it allows for scenic views and the chance to meet fellow travelers.
Train Travel
- Transport Mode: Train
- Companies: Amtrak
- Duration: Approximately 12 hours
- Distance: 600 miles
- Costs: $100 - $200 (one way, based on class)
- Roads/Routes: Not applicable
Pro Tip: Reserve a seat in the observation car for a picturesque view of the countryside during your journey.
Traveling by train can enhance your experience with comfortable seating and the opportunity to enjoy the landscape. Amtrak provides a reliable service from Little Rock to the New York area, making it a great alternative if you prefer a leisurely travel pace.
For a balance of speed and cost, flying with Delta Air Lines or American Airlines is highly recommended. It provides the quickest option at a reasonable price, allowing you to enjoy your time in New York with minimal travel stress.