Ciudad Valles

Bus ticket from Monterrey to Ciudad Valles

Bus: Transportes Del Norte has the cheapest bus ticket from Monterrey to Ciudad Valles for only $700, on a trip of approximately 8h 10m duration. It's the ideal choice for those who want to save money. More than 57 schedules for your trip.

Bus Schedule from Monterrey to Ciudad Valles

We have selected the best schedules and cheapest bus prices for your trip to Ciudad Valles.

CompanyDeparture time/Arrival timeDeparture Station/Arrival StationTransport TypePrice
Transportes Del Norte
8h 10m
Transportes Del Norte
Transportes Del Norte
7h 50m
Transportes Del Norte
Transportes Del Norte
8h 5m
Transportes Del Norte
Transportes Del Norte
8h 1m
Transportes Del Norte
Transportes Del Norte
8h 10m
Transportes Del Norte

Bus from Monterrey to Ciudad Valles

The bus trip from Monterrey to Ciudad Valles takes approximately 8h 19m duration and covers a distance of about 430 km. There are usually 57 buses traveling daily to Ciudad Valles and you can find the cheapest tickets starting from $700 if you buy in advance on the internet.

Distance430 km
Fastest6h 13m

What companies travel from Monterrey to Ciudad Valles?

Whether you're seeking speed, comfort, affordability, or a blend of all, our detailed overview covers the key players in the industry. Get insights into schedules, booking tips, and amenities offered by each company, ensuring your journey between these iconic cities is as smooth and enjoyable as possible.

Saving Money

Cheapest Bus

The cheapest bus ticket from Monterrey to Ciudad Valles is a regular seat, one-way trip, when booked in advance. Buying on the day of travel is usually more expensive and may include additional costs that can vary depending on the time of day and bus class.

Book in advance

Most companies sell bus tickets about three to six months in advance. If you already have your travel date set, search as early as possible to save money.

Be flexible with your travel times

Many companies increase ticket prices during "peak hours" (usually between 06:00 - 10:00 and 15:00 - 19:00 on weekdays). If possible, choose to travel outside of these hours to find cheaper tickets and save money.

Check connections

On some of the busiest routes, you may also have the option of taking a slower or connecting transportation. It may take a little longer, but if you have a bit more time available, you may find a cheaper ticket.

Travel Tips

The best tips from our team for your next trip

Research sightseeing opportunities along your route, such as landmarks, tourist attractions, or scenic routes, and plan your itinerary accordingly.

Choosing the right seat, such as one with extralegroom or a window seat, can help maximize comfort during your journey.

Check the pet policies of the bus or train company you are traveling with, and make sure your pet is allowed on board.

Learn basic phrases in the local language, such as greetings or common phrases, to show respect and build connections with locals.

Keep your valuables like cash, passport, andimportant documents in a secure place, like a neck wallet or a money belt.Avoid carrying large sums of money or expensive jewelry.

Choose a mode of transportation that allows you to work comfortably, such as a train with spacious seating or a bus with Wi-Fi.

Research the local culture and customs of the places you will be traveling through, and learn about the history, traditions, and values of the people.

Bring a refillable water bottle and stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout your journey.

Traveling during off-peak hours can save moneyon bus and train fares, as prices tend to be lower during non-peak times.

Arrive on time for your bus or train, and be respectful of other passengers' schedules.

Consider choosing eco-friendly transport options like buses or trains instead of driving alone in a car, which can help reduce your carbon footprint.