By rail or road yournext tripstarts here!

We help you search, compare, and buy your bus or train ticket!

Schedules and ticket prices from the main bus and rail companies

Ready to Travel?

Your next trip starts here!

At BusBuster, you can find everything about tickets, schedules, prices, destinations, and information about the main companies and stations.

Search for your trip

Your trip starts at BusBuster. Find the best options for schedules and prices for your trip. This website is available on all different devices, so you can use it anywhere with your phone, tablet, or computer.

Compare schedules

We care about usability and design, so you can easily compare all the information about your ticket, and differentiate between companies, departure and arrival times, travel duration, and ticket price.

Buy your ticket

Have you found the best schedule for your trip? BusBuster does not sell tickets, but we will redirect you to the official company or travel agency website. There you can purchase your ticket online.

I got my Intercape tickets with BusBuster. Comfortable.Good Responsible Drivers and friendly staff!

Mandi Ackerman
Johannesburg, ZA
Official partnerAround 200 companies

The main bus companies are also here

No matter your destination, from north to south, there will always be a bus to help you get there comfortably and safely.

Our Numbers

To ensure you can travel safely and comfortably, we are dedicated to creating the best tools and gathering key information. This is reflected in our numbers of passengers, partner companies, and coverage achieved.

Bus Companies


Step by Step Guide

Through our quick, simple, and direct search tool, you can find the best bus ticket for your trip, saving both time and money.

Here you type and choose the city where you are departing from for your trip.
Choose your destination city, just type the name and the most relevant options will appear for you.
Select the ideal date for your trip. Simply click and choose the best day for you on the calendar.
Step by Step Guide

Everyone goes

The Most Popular Trips

Want to know the destinations that passengers visit most frequently, whether for work, leisure, or tourism? Take a look at the list of the most popular routes we have compiled based on our passengers' trips.

The most sought-after destinations

We know that each destination is unique, but it's clear that everyone has their favorites. We have prepared a list of the most visited destinations to inspire you on your next trip.

Bus tickets to Pretoria
Pretoria, GP

Bus tickets to Pretoria, GP

Bus tickets to Gqeberha
Gqeberha, EC

Bus tickets to Gqeberha, EC

Bus tickets to Cape Town
Cape Town, WC

Bus tickets to Cape Town, WC

Bus tickets to Johannesburg
Johannesburg, GP

Bus tickets to Johannesburg, GP

Bus tickets to Durban
Durban, KZN

Bus tickets to Durban, KZN

Bus tickets to Bloemfontein
Bloemfontein, FS

Bus tickets to Bloemfontein, FS

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