Train from Derby to Luton
Find the schedules, compare prices, and buy cheap tickets from Derby to Luton. Choose a date, or explore the cheapest ticket options below.
Air Travel
- Transport Mode: Air
- Companies: British Airways, American Airlines, Virgin Atlantic
- Duration: Approximately 9 hours (including layovers)
- Distance: 3,600 miles
- Costs: Approximately £600-£800 for round trip (economy class)
- Roads/Routes: Not applicable (airport transport details may vary)
Pro Tip: Consider booking a flight that allows for a longer layover in a major hub like London to explore the city briefly before heading to Luton.
For the most efficient travel, fly out from New York City’s John F. Kennedy International Airport (JFK), connect to a direct flight to London Heathrow (LHR), then take a short train journey to Luton. Make sure to check for flight deals in advance and create a flexible itinerary to suit your plans as flight prices can vary significantly based on season.
Train and Bus Combination
- Transport Mode: Train and Bus
- Companies: Amtrak (train from Derby to New York) & National Express (bus from London to Luton)
- Duration: Approximately 12 hours
- Distance: 200 miles (train) + 35 miles (bus) = 235 miles
- Costs: Approximately £120 for train and bus combined
- Roads/Routes: Not applicable for train; M1 motorway for bus between London and Luton
Pro Tip: Purchase a combined ticket for both the Amtrak and National Express journeys, as it may provide discounts and ensure seamless transfers.
Although this route takes considerably longer, it provides a scenic view of the American countryside as you travel by train, and the bus ride to Luton will allow you to experience more of the UK. Check the National Express website for updates on schedules and availability.