Buses departing from Dresden Hauptbahnhof
We list the major bus routes departing from Dresden Hauptbahnhof to help you navigate faster and find your ticket
Buses to Dresden Hauptbahnhof
We have the arrival information for buses at Dresden Hauptbahnhof to better guide you on your journey
Address and Contact
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Location: 01069 Dresden, Germany
- Location:Dresden Hauptbahnhof
- 01069 Dresden, Germany
Customer Reviews
4.5 out of stars
Based on 15 reviews
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Customer Reviews
55 Stars
- 80%
44 Stars
- 20%
33 Stars
- 0%
22 Stars
- 0%
11 Star
- 0%
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5 out of 5 stars
5 out of 5 stars
5 out of 5 stars
5 out of 5 stars
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Dresden Central Station, located in the heart of Dresden, Germany, is a vibrant transportation hub offering convenient access to various attractions. With its stunning architecture, the station serves as a gateway to explore the city's rich history, including the magnificent Zwinger Palace and Frauenkirche. Boasting excellent connectivity, this bustling train station ensures a seamless travel experience for visitors exploring Dresden and beyond.
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