

Plan your trip with ease! Get train tickets, check schedules, and track departures at Dijon. Book now for a hassle-free travel experience.


Buses departing from

We list the main bus routes departing from to help you navigate faster and find your ticket

Address and Contact

Our team has prepared everything to make your experience on the website as simple, secure, and easy as possible. But if you still need to contact Dijon, just use the most convenient channel for you!

Location: Dijon, Cr de la gare, 21000 Dijon, France

Facilitated Transit

More Public Transportation Stations in

Looking to explore more of and beyond? Check out these related bus and train stations that offer convenient travel connections to nearby cities and beyond. Expand your itinerary and discover new adventures with our guide to the top transit hubs within and outside .


The Dijon-Porte-Neuve train in France offers a convenient and efficient way to explore the beautiful city of Dijon and its surroundings. With regular departures, this train provides a comfortable journey, allowing travelers to admire the picturesque landscapes of the Burgundy region. Whether you're interested in Dijon's rich history, incredible architecture, or renowned gastronomy, the Dijon-Porte-Neuve train is the perfect starting point for your adventure.

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