

Plan your trip with ease! Get train tickets, check schedules, and track departures at Apeldoorn. Book now for a hassle-free travel experience.


Buses departing from

We list the main bus routes departing from to help you navigate faster and find your ticket


Buses to

We have the arrival information for buses in to better guide you on your trip

Address and Contact

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Location: 7311 NZ Apeldoorn, Netherlands

Customer Reviews

4.1 out of stars

Based on 166 reviews

Reviews data

Customer Reviews

55 Stars


44 Stars


33 Stars


22 Stars


11 Star


Recent reviews

Daniel Mckenzie
Daniel Mckenzie

3 out of 5 stars

Station was okay. Offers interchange with intercity, stoptrein and sprinter services. Has a decent amount of facilities and canopies covering the platforms.

Andrew Kan
Andrew Kan

5 out of 5 stars

Good station with food options available to go such as Kiosk and AH. Signs and screens were clear. You can get a taxi or bus right outside the station. There is also plenty of bike parking.

S.K. Gupta
S.K. Gupta

4 out of 5 stars

Very nice and cool place. A mix of city and countryside. A perfect place for nature lovers

Rafael Hauzer
Rafael Hauzer

3 out of 5 stars

Good place if you need to travel. Buses and trains on time.

Bob W
Bob W

4 out of 5 stars

Amazing stop. Don’t forget to grab something at the Kiosk😉